Monday, January 21, 2008

An Hour A Day Helps Make The Rust Go Away.

John's goal is to work on the truck for a least a hour a day (or until the lynch mob forms out in front of our house) until at least the first layer of crud is off the truck. Today was the bed's turn to get wire brushed.

It may not seem like much of an improvement , but we feel we've come a long way towards lung disease by breathing in this fine-tasting rust stuff. John found the mask AFTER he finished. Please no lecture e-mails, as we know this was not one of John's brightest moments. Actually, this picture shows very clearly the area that has NOT been brushed yet (the orangey rectangle in the upper right corner). Hey, in the long run this might not be a huge step, but it can't hurt and it certainly looks a lot better.

This what one hour of breathing in (possibly) lead-based paint will get you.

Sample of all the junk that the wire brush removed from the bottom of the bed. Thinking of sending it out to a lab to see what John really was breathing in. Or is ignorance bliss in this case?


Anonymous said...

OK, I was going to mention a mask, but I see you already know that.

Anonymous said...


Whas up with the frog pond in the glove box. Did ya find any bones, or left over delta fish. Maybe this is where the mud bugs rode home to dinner.

MY only hope is ya don't turn into a Doc Holiday.
But if ya have to give up a lung at least the rust is out of there.