Saturday, January 19, 2008

If you have rats, does that make it a Rat Rod?

Thayer and Jilly didn't get to DRIVE the truck, but they did get to go for a ride around the neighborhood with Mommy and Daddy. (No houses were harmed in this process). P.S. Please do not call C.P.S. on us as children were passing us on their tricycles...

Today, the truck formerly known in California as "Stutious" got its very own Arizona Historic Plates. Pretty cool, huh? (Hey, who cares if they're the shiniest thing on the truck?)

We began the first step in the restoration process by removing anything from the cab that looked like it could walk on its own either previously or currently. After finding a few new spiders in our garage this morning, we decided that this was a pretty high priority. We found evidence of rats (what WAS that furry thing I sucked up with the shop vac?), cobwebs, various feathers, and some deceased wasps. We feel fairly confident that we can cancel that Truly Nolen appointment now...

Look, Ma! No bugs! If we could only figure out how to get this seat back in...

Garbage pick up....................$10.95 monthly
Formula 409.........................$2.99
A vermin free cab..................Priceless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a story about some spider petting and black widow dancing involved in all this.