Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tracy Is Now A Bird Lover!

We were happy to make it home safely on Friday with the Lark. All the kids came out to see it, as well as the neighbors (We're sure we contributed to some pretty interesting dinner conversations..."Did you see what the Smiths brought home THIS time?")

Once home, we were finally able to get a look under the hood. We were happy to see that there was, indeed, a motor in there, as well as about ten years worth of dust and grime. John was also encouraged to see that there was still water in the radiator.

A great deal of this morning was dedicated to cleaning off the top layers of grime. Gone are the moss gardens, rat presents, and dried leaves. We did find a metal Jaguar emblem under the leaves in the engine compartment that was quite the little surprise. The next step was to get the car off of the trailer. Tracy got elected to sit in the driver's seat for the event, more so because she was the only one who could fit through the door (we could only partially open it due to the placement of the trailer's fender.) Thus, Tracy was the first person to discover that the car has no brakes. No, we don't have video evidence of the event (thank heavens), but John's last words to her before she rolled down the ramp were something like, "If the brakes don't work, just keep the wheel straight and it will eventually stop." Being a science teacher previously, Tracy knew this to be true....but it didn't make her feel any better when she went flying down the ramp backwards. It also didn't make the three bushes that helped stop her feel much better, either...

John showed off his sheer man strength as he wrestled the beast up the driveway. (Tracy thought she'd give him a little credit before she jumped in and we both put our backs into it. We swear it feels like it weighs more than the truck!)

The newly cleaned Lark at the top of the driveway. If we get the interior cleaned out tomorrow, he'll graduate to the garage!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder where he learned that trick from. The one of letting someone else check the brakes. Next he'll have you knocking on doors asking people if they want to sell that car by the gagrage.