Friday, December 12, 2008

For Christmas My True Love Gave To Me, A Lark and a Bread Bowl Filled With Peas...

We left at 4:30 AM on Wednesday and drove through Arizona and California until we were ready to drop. We made it as far as Pleasanton, California (about 30 miles away from our destination) and found a place to spend the night. We had the address of Bob Peterson's shop in our GPS, so on Thursday morning we started to head over to where we could meet him and he could lead us over to the yard. Driving down the road in Hayward, John spotted a familiar-looking sign up ahead. It is official: the man has Studevision! It took Tracy a little longer to see the sign.

Once we met up with Bob and followed him to his yard, we checked out a few of the other cars that were waiting to head off to their new homes. This one is going all the way to Australia!

Bob and his grandson have obviously done this a few times before! They had quite the system down to load the Lark: Bob used his truck to tow the Lark onto the trailer while his grandson sat in the car and steered. John helped out where he could, and Tracy took pictures and enjoyed the illusion that her car was actually running!

More of the cars awaiting their future.

Some of the cars of the past who have donated their lives to another purpose.

John really wanted this boat, too, but Tracy has to draw the line somewhere (Bob probably would have let him take it). Um, John, exactly how far away from our house is the nearest large body of water?

Bob and his grandson securing the straps to the Lark and the trailer.

He's got to be looking forward to a good bath at this point!

Obviously, the Castro Valley climate is much damper than Arizona's! Tracy loved the mini gardens than came with the car, but they were pretty much dried out by the time we reached the state line (at least we didn't have to declare any agricultural products for inspection.)

Tracy with Bob and her new Lark.

Unfortunately, not all the vehicles in the yard found homes. Some how to go to the scrap yard as an even trade for their removal.

On way home, we stopped at the split pea soup capital of the world...Pea Soup Andersen's Restaurant. It was cold outside and the soup was fabulous! We can only recommend stopping at the giant windmill along I-5 in California.

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