Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thank You, Scott and Barbara Grainger!

Today, John and the truck went to the November SDC meeting hosted by Scott and Barbara Grainger. Scott was a very good host, including giving John a personal tour of his garage and showing the progress of his truck (Toto). John came home wondering how he could get a lift for our two car, single story garage. Tracy's not sure where that came from, but suspects the visit to the Grainger Garage might have a bit to do with it.

A fun thing that occurred at the meeting was "Slow Drags." Since John had never heard of such a thing, he called his Dad to find out what they were. His Dad had all sorts of explanations from funny cigarettes to really bad cross dressers, so John didn't know what to expect. Luckily, all it was about was seeing who could go the slowest without touching their brakes and/or stalling their car.
Sorry, John gets artsy at times. His site, his right! :)

This car also inspired John to be artsy. Give him a camera and he thinks he can become the Ansel Adams of the Studebaker World.

Oh! My, my! Not one, but two Wagonaires. We have this bug, but not this year (thank you, G.W.B.)

This truck has a 10.5 foot long bed (hot tub, anybody?) and it can be yours for 25k!

Artsy shot again
Tracy's favorite President, only she would rather it have leopard print seats and head liner (That's my girl- a little on the tacky side!)

Under the hood of a beautiful Daytona....the rest will follow.

Artsy pic once again.

Who says four doors can't be cool? We'd take this one any day.

This GT was sitting on the trailer like the queen of the ball.

John's favorite Wagonaire once again.

This truck has a new Corvette engine thanks to the owner's neighbor who crashed the car it was in before.

It's red, it's a convertible..this car could be on the next cover of Turning Wheels! This car was just gorgeous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay guitar heros and seatcovers.
The dad does know what slow drags are,cross dressers,long draw on a strange smelling weed, and motorcycles that tattoted scooter bums who race in low gear at idle (although the first ones i seen were at the river and only starters were used. dam that buds will get ya to do crazy things. Don't bogart that (whoops another subject)

Great looking rides fellow GCSDC ers. Hope to join ya next year.