Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Shattered Hopes

After taking the truck out for a spin, John noticed that the tail light lens was broken yet again! We are beginning to think that this truck does not care for the new look we gave it and are considering going back to the plastic one (not so fast). We have to be doing something wrong here. We first thought that we forgot the protective cork gasket (but it was there). Then it came to mind that maybe it was just made poorly, or as Tracy commented, "Maybe John tightened it down too tightly." Well, nevertheless, John got back on eBay and ordered a new lens. After that, Tracy got back on eBay and ordered two spares....."Just in case they were made poorly."


Anonymous said...

I'd say they were made poorly, maybe not the glass but the housing. But then you may be overtightning it and between the stress and vibration it's breaking,

The onter housing shouldn't be loose but not so tight that it warps. and the cork gasket should be big enough and thick enough to protect the glass from touching metal. And to take up the vibration.

Also the glass will get fairly warm from the bulb, so make sure it don't get any cold water etc. on it before it cools a little.

Anonymous said...

and a rubber gasket behind the housing itself....between the license frame and where the threaded posts exit the housing.