Sunday, April 19, 2009

Who Driving The Kids Now?

Friday night, we took George to his first cruise-in. This time, Tracy was the one driving the Studebaker and John took on the job of following along with the kids. Here, Tracy calls John to see how George's speedometer compares to his "actual" speed.

John appeared to relish his role as the "keeper of the kids" while Tracy got the chance to show off George.

George stood out proudly among his peers.

John thought this car looked like one his dad might be interested in. It IS for sale, but John didn't even ask the price, seeing as he was not particularly excited about the thought of adding it to the family...

George in a sea of red Chevys...dare to be different, George!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think all those chevys are jealous,hope all of georges class will rub off on them lol scott