Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Like A Rock

This old picture shows a working Studebaker dealership in Denver (year and location unknown).

This old Studebaker dealership building currently stands proud as can be just outside what is called the Golden Triangle of downtown Denver. (Could this be the same building shown in the old photo above, with just a different facade? Hmm...) Its elusive location (no address to be found on the net) did not keep John from visiting what some may call just an old building, but what most people in the circle that we hang out with would find pretty cool. Piece of advice: if you choose to visit this location of Studebaker History, do not park at the nearby Arby's restaurant. There is a young lady who works there who takes her job very seriously and will tell you that if you don't leave the parking lot, she will call the cops and have them give you a @%*&$&* ticket. (Thankfully, John can take pictures rather quickly!) John's next search should take him to a furniture store in Oregon that also used to be a Studebaker dealership.


Anonymous said...

wow what a great old building,keep hunting them down bro,good luck in oregon scott

Anonymous said...

The building is located on North Broadway. Were parking is a premium, hence the crazy Arby's lady.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you know what i feel about Denver. I think it is a magnet for coconesters. Or maybe i was just a magnet for them when i was there. And i always knew i wasn't gonna sell my paintings at any cafe nearby.

All i know is there's more wierd than gold in that triangle.

Cool picture i have been by it many times and never thought to get a picture.