Saturday, January 24, 2009

Queen Creek Car Show For MDA

This afternoon, John took the truck down to Safeway for another fundraiser car show. Today's car show was to raise money for Jerry's Kids. John decided to enter the show about 10 minutes before it started. Tracy, Thayer, and Jilly met up with him later for an hour or so to look at all of the cars. This was the car that eventually one first place (people's choice).

Another view of the first place car.

This car was parked next to the truck. John was envious of the gear shift knob...he's always wanted a skull! (Tracy's plenty happy with the three speed on the column, thank you very much!). We all agreed that we like our shrunken head better, though.

The outside of our neighbor's car. It was a neat Buick with a lot of its original features, including a Kleenex box that the owner was once offered $900 for!

Another view of the Buick. It's a striking car.

This car owner's small daughter was going around offering to wipe down people's cars and telling them about her dad's auto detailing business. Talk about a great sales pitch!

The gentleman who owns this car has reportedly only driven it about 100 miles. He uses the trailer the carry, among other things, his dogs' beds (he has a miniature schnauzer and a yorkie). We were going to bring Ginny the corgi to the show tonight, but she got put in time-out at the last minute for digging in the yard.

This truck won third place.

John overheard this gentleman saying that he has his car insured for $80,000.

The owner of this truck talked to John for a bit, then decided to go home and bring his truck down to the show, too. We really enjoy meeting new people and hearing their stories. The owner of this truck bought this truck for $7000. Not a bad deal, considering that it has a front tilting hood and a new Chevy step-side bed.

Thayer's already planning taking the truck out for a drive on some future Saturday night. Never mind that he won't be able to get his license for almost 12 years... Jilly is his partner in crime, but at the moment seemed more interested in carrying on a conversation with the shrunken head. All in a night out for the Smith kids!

This Mustang won second place and got a lot of attention.

Another fine example of the ever-popular Mustang.

Once again a Studebaker is represented at a local car show. We're beginning to think that we're the only ones that drive ours to other local non-Studebaker events (just wait until Karl can go, too!). Thayer is always so proud to show off "My Dad's Studebaker!"

This '78 Corvette is currently for sale and can be yours for the bargain price of $11,000.
The Corvette has been in the family since it was purchased new and is now being sold to make room in the garage. The owners appeared to be very nice people. Oh, for the days when John pictured himself in one of these babies, dressed in Miami Vice garb, talking on his brick cell phone as he cruised down Speedway... Do you think he was Crocket or Tubbs?


Anonymous said...

tubbs definatly, crocket would never stoop convincing a girl she was to drunk to drive after three shots of Baileys

Anonymous said...

I think we had a Buick very similar to that when I was a little girl. What year was it? (Ours was black, too.)

Anonymous said...

Black one is a 53, blue one is a 48.
Trick thing about that hood you could open it from either side or unlatch both sides and just take it off.