Thursday, November 13, 2008

Well, This Is A Lot Harder Than It Looks

John sat down to try to impose a photo of the truck onto this old Studebaker garage picture, thinking that anybody could do it. Well, yes, anybody can do it with a little patience and two stiff drinks and with the help of Tracy (and give or take two hours of swearing at the computer.) Not bad for our first try. We know the truck doesn't match the time period that the photo was taken, but we like to think it's artistic license. Hmmm....maybe we need to get out more......... (We're starting to wonder what it would look like in the JFK motorcade...The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade....On the track at Daytona....)


Anonymous said...

Way cool, as far as the garage goes in 1952 my took over a garage just about like that. Two story and all. The upstairs had an aprtment with the garage behind the entryway which had office on each side. After much cleaning and throwing stuff out the second story (including a piano).

Smittys Auto Glass was born the first of three. So your truck and the building kind of match many of the garages from the fifties.

So it matches up to me. This is the kind of backdrop they need for the Stude shows. Great job sports fans.

Anonymous said...

how about a stude truck landing on the moon. One small step for man one giant leap for studekind.
