Sunday, November 30, 2008

Leonard Shepherd by his '52 Studebaker Commander

The amount of knowledge possessed by people in the Studebaker world always amazes us. We have never met Leonard Shepherd but have been have been in awe his collection of print ads, photos, memorabilia and all-around knowledge of Studebakers. If we ever have a chance ever to meet Leonard in person we think the first thing we would want to ask him is where he keeps all this stuff? And how does he find it so quickly when he needs to refer to it? Follow the link below to see Leonard's web site and see a sample of his collection.
Photo from the Central Virginia Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And to top that off he is a true gentleman and a nice guy.
Leonard helps other people with their Stude's, and even takes tome to help crew for Tom Covington as Tom races his 10 second drag Avanti.
Great guy!
Jeff Rice