Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Clean Slate.

There's nothing that feels better than a clean garage! After countless weekends of being the stage for the truck's re-wiring saga, the garage was in a pretty sad state. Tools, metal filings, and spare wire tidbits found their way into nooks and crannies unimaginable. It was time to take charge! With a little surprise thunderstorm providing some background music as we re-organized (hey, rain is gold in Arizona!), it was hard to get upset about the few leaves and twigs that blew back in.

While we were at it, we updated our "To do" list. Hmm...think Santa will see our subtle hints?


Anonymous said...

Santa, sorry virginia there is no Santa.

But the garage looks nice.

I don't see tailgate on that list.

Anonymous said...

WOW the pin striping looks great !!!like the logo to!HHMMMM a list for santa what a great idea.

Anonymous said...

If I still had my Lark, you'd get it!