Sunday, October 19, 2008

Nothing Left But The Small Stuff!

Today was a glorious day at the Smith Studebaker Garage.

We were able to get the rest of the wiring done on the old girl (with the exception of a few little details) and were able to start her up. With a few minor adjustments and a lot of help, this project (the wiring, that is) is about to get the DONE stamp.

As you can see, the cloth asphalt loom made the truck have the appearance of the era that it originally was in, but now houses a modern 12-volt system that is nice and neat (Unlike our garage- that will be a post for later. Somebody has a lot of work to do!)

The panel for the system is now located in the glove box, out of the way of Big Foot's damaging limbs (Heck, he just got the confidence to drive the truck on the freeway. The last thing he needs to do is kick the entire fuse panel with his size 13's while trying to push in the clutch.)


Anonymous said...

Thems some harsh words about the poor lads feet co-ordination. I would recommend no bubble gum on the road.

Very nice job i think i see a little A/R mixed in there. the garage must have him up the wall. Don't tell me someone drew on his white board.

look forward to seeing it in the spring.

Anonymous said...

I hope you haven't lost my address, cause now that you have experience. You can come on over and help me wire up mine when i get ready.

I like that wrap, way way better than that clunky plastic stuff to me.

Bring tools ice tea optional


Anonymous said...

wow awsome job to the smith family,looks great!!!!!!