Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Like A Hole In My Head!

The two holes that are shown above have been have been eating away at you-know-who's OCD for some time now. But today we are glad to say that soon the sun visors shall return to their proper location instead of the box that they have been stored in (I'm curious why we took them off in the first place) . The guy that we got to redo the seat said he would repair them and recover them to match for $85.00 for the pair. Considering that one was missing everything except the frame, we think that's a good deal for the pair. If not, we at least know that he does great work! Stay tune for the final finish. We are glad to see some progress even if it's as small as sun visors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see them, and i am so glad you didn't go with those stupid dice. That nobody used except movies.

Daddyos I way dig the shrunken head everytime i see it. Your ride is gettin so cool you have to be carefull it don'get frostbite.

later alligators, after while crocodile. Gotta slide.