Thursday, July 17, 2008

Birthday Theft Pays Off.

Once again for those of you that don't remember, it appears that John had to take matters in his own hands due to the lack of participation of his birthday (and helped himself to GD's secret stash of Studebaker Parts). But, to his suprise, when he retrieved this glove box door it had a small dent. This began several hours, days, almost months of stressing how he was going to get this fixed so he could go foward with his gauge panel. Seriously. He practically needed Valium. He took it to Tucson where Lucky (in a short amount of time...not even hours) fixed the dent and sent him on his way. Note...John did have to sand and primer this thing at least 8 times until it was right. But we both agree that once we get to the next step the work will be worth it.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm secret stash, dent, seems i remember this story.

I should have talked to Lucky and had him reject the sanding job at least six more times.

Of course if the lad was really smart he'd convince his Mom and Lucky to buy A Studebaker Truck.

That would get him on the inside track on other body work and more sanding.

I'm just wondering how much secret stash is left over for old snort,Old gringo and Rojo Diablo.


Anonymous said...

John; It appears to be a model 62V-W4, which translated means a 1962 Studebaker Lark Deluxe, V8, 4 door sedan. The 259 V8 was standard on this model. studelark

Unknown said...

Great truck and blog! It was a fun read. i'm just up the road a bit in Tempe and am working on my '53 Champion (amongst other projects).

When I can get her going again I'll be back out on the road riding in Stude Style.
