Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Organization or Insanity?

Tracy wasn't too concerned when John asked her to get a white board for the garage (hey, what better place to post her "Honey Do" list!). This changed, however, when he summoned her out to create the master TRUCK "TO DO" LIST. One list was not enough...he had the nerve to divide it into sections. Yes, sectionS, plural. We now have a list of parts "waiting to arrive," a list of things "needing to be done," and in case we should ever forget, a list of parts we're "looking for." If anyone has any suggestions for other categories of lists, please keep them to yourself, as Tracy specifically got out of teaching to AVOID writing on white boards anymore... Does anyone else think this is slightly obsessive? Compulsive? Or as John states, pure genius?


Anonymous said...

personaly i suggest Zanax twice a day for one week. And then throw the white board away and put up a picture of ZZTops Cadzilla

When he ask honey where's my board reply honey did you take your meds today. Thats where your favorite pictures has always been, the white wall is still there.

deepnhock said...

Kudo's for the whiteboard!
I have seen so many passionate builds get morked up because the builder had a vision, but not a plan. It is so easy to get inundated with details to the point of paralysis. Taking it one step at a time (like you are doing) is a huge deal.
My white board was re-written a hundred times...each time the writing got smaller and smaller.
I felt soooooo good when the writing started getting bigger the further the build went.
Some of my 'pain' is up on Webshots at:

Way cool truck!
Jeff Rice

Anonymous said...

gawd i just notice the little suction cup hangers.

I cringed at the joe college shorts and shirt. But this is just taking the yuply stuff to far.

i know your a GD now but a white board memory stick. yuuuuck.

please tell me this was your moms idea.

Anonymous said...

Jeff i looked at your truck i love the stock/street rod look. Great build.