Friday, May 9, 2008

Lesson #1069: Sometimes it's OK to get professional help!

It's been awhile since we did any work on the inside of the truck, so it was only a matter of time before we decided to revisit it. During John's last outing...the weekly car show at the Scottsdale Pavilions...he met and talked to a local pinstriper named Joel Nelson. Joel was very complimentary about the paint we'd put on the truck, and John went home with his business card and a new vision...

What if we did some pinstriping on the ceiling of the cab and on the inside of the truck doors? John figured that if Tracy could paint the rest of the interior, surely she could teach herself to pinstripe and have the whole thing done in say, a week or so. A trip to the paint store and a ridiculous amount in supplies later and he was ready to go. Well, he was ready for Tracy to get going, anyhow. So...John started researching some designs and Tracy started to have visions of the Sistine Chapel ceiling (what would they have done if Michaelangelo had messed up halfway through?). That's when we both had the brilliant idea that maybe we should put that business card to use and give Joel the Pinstriper a call. Within days, we had an appointment set up and the paint & brushes had been returned to the paint shop (for now, anyway...who knows what project may come next?).

Wow! It was amazing to see the speed and talent of a true professional at work. Joel showed up and within minutes we could see the design taking shape.

It's amazing how easy he makes it look! It truly takes the vision of an artist to do this type of work. Although we gave him a rough idea of what we were looking for, Joel took our concept and expanded it into a unique work of art. What started out as a just a few lines developed almost instantly into a design that fit perfectly with our truck.

The new red accent on the doors. We were impressed at how quickly these details put some finishing touches on our interior.

A view from the side. Joel finished the ceiling of the truck and the door panels in about an hour and was very reasonably priced. It was exciting to see the truck's interior take another step forward.

The new finished look! It's official, John's addicted and already looking for more "empty space" for Joel to work on. To see more of Joel's work, visit We highly recommend his work and he was great to do work with.


Anonymous said...

Cool glad you didn't go further and did just enough to accetnuate a few areas
. I hate the ones that go way overboard and look like a pinstrippers nightmare guidebook.


Anonymous said...

Yeah,it came out real you said it is an addition and not a distraction.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome write up guys! It was the first time I pinstriped a ceiling and I really enjoyed the opportunity to do one for such a great couple!