Thursday, February 7, 2008

You would think they would have put the color name on the can!

Examine this can closely. Can you find where it says what color paint is inside? John has been looking for days without any success. It might have helped to have kept that color-coded lid he threw away...

There was that one spot in the corner. No, not this rust-colored spot. Just a spot on the primer gray area that needed a little more coverage. You know, coverage with THE SAME COLOR PAINT. Sigh. Guess John wasn't listening to his own lecture that he gave Tracy the day before. I believe it went something like, "All you have to do is check the paint on the nozzle to see what color is in the can. Don't forget to check before you paint..." Oh well. (Guess who had to paint over the rust-colored spot? That would be the one who actually listened to the lecture...)

Here's how things are coming along inside the cab. We're currently working on sanding down the steering column and will need to map out some wiring before we take apart the rest of the dash to paint. The primer is scaring out more spiders, but luckily they're dazed enough by the fumes to be easily squashed.


Anonymous said...

Guess that deaf right ear thing won't work this time, since he was the one that gave the lecture.

Now if you could just get them spiders trained to attack when he enters the cab with any kind of can in hand.


Anonymous said...

By the way i heard a slightly different story on this one.


mongotex82 said...

Checked the site today after sman sent the link and seeing him in Georgia. Not to shabby on the site! Oh, no comment on the spiders and green paint. Check you latter.

Anonymous said...

heres a little trick that everyone including the paint stores use. When your done and cleaning out the nozzle. Spray the cap.


Anonymous said...

Hey--it is LOOKING good ! Lots of work but it is beautiful and will take the prize !!! Love Aunt Naomi